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Causes of Increased Suicide Rates Among Teenagers and Young Adults

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, suicide is the second most leading cause of death among people from ages 15-24 in the United States. The study shows that nearly 20% of high school students reported serious thoughts of suicide and self harm while 9% attempted to take their lives. Suicide among teenagers and young adults have been on the rise in recent years, causing deep concern among parents, teachers, and mental health professionals. The tragic loss of young lives by suicide calls for a comprehensive understanding of the various factors that contribute to this alarming trend. This article aims to explore the different causes behind the increased suicide rates among teens and young adults, shedding light on societal, psychological, and environmental influences.

I. Social and Cultural Factors:

Bullying and Cyberbullying:

Bullying and cyberbullying can have devastating effects on teenagers. The relentless emotional distress caused by repeated aggression, humiliation, and social exclusion can erode a teen's self-esteem and self-worth, fostering feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. The constant bombarding of negative messages, both online and offline, can intensify the sense of isolation and loneliness, increasing the risk of depression and suicidal ideation. The pervasive nature of cyberbullying, with its ability to humiliate and harass victims beyond the confines of school worsens the feelings of powerlessness and despair. Without timely intervention, support, and the cultivation of empathetic environments, bullying and cyberbullying can tragically push vulnerable teens towards considering suicide.

Peer Influence and Social Comparison:

Peer influence and social comparison play significant roles in shaping the thoughts, behaviours, and emotional well-being of teenagers, and can sometimes contribute to the risk of suicide. Adolescents and teens often strive to fit in, be accepted, and gain approval from their peers. However, when they constantly compare themselves to their peers and perceive themselves as falling short, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and self-worth. The pressure to conform to societal norms and ideals, along with the fear of social rejection or exclusion by their peers, can create immense stress and emotional distress. Negative peer interactions, such as bullying or exclusion, can further exacerbate these feelings and intensify the risk of suicidal thoughts.

Academic Pressure and High Expectations:

The relentless pursuit of academic success, along with the fear of failure and disappointment, can create an overwhelming burden on young individuals. The pressure to achieve top grades, excel in extracurricular activities, and secure admission into prestigious institutions can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy. As teenagers internalise the belief that their worth is solely determined by academic achievements, the fear of falling short can become all-consuming. The constant striving for perfection, coupled with a lack of balance and self-care, can push vulnerable teens to the brink, as they may see suicide as the only escape from the suffocating weight of academic pressure and high expectations from their parents and teachers.

II. Psychological Factors:

Mental Health Conditions:

Negative mental health can deeply impact a teenager's emotional well-being and overall functioning. These conditions often involve persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, intense anxiety, or mood swings that can overwhelm individuals, making them feel trapped and desperate for relief. The distorted thinking patterns associated with mental health disorders may lead to a skewed perception of reality, further reinforcing negative thoughts and feelings of isolation. Additionally, untreated or undiagnosed mental health conditions can impair one's ability to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and seek help. It is crucial to prioritize mental health awareness, provide accessible mental health resources, and reduce the stigma surrounding seeking treatment to support teenagers in managing their mental health challenges and prevent the tragic outcomes associated with suicide.

III. Environmental Factors:

Family Dysfunction and Parental Neglect:

Family dysfunction and parental neglect can have a profound impact on a teenager's well-being and contribute to an increased risk of suicide. When a family environment is marked by dysfunction, such as frequent conflict, abuse, neglect, or substance misuse, it can significantly undermine a teenager's sense of stability, safety, and emotional support. Lack of nurturing and positive parental involvement can lead to feelings of abandonment, low self-esteem, and a heightened sense of loneliness. Teenagers may develop a distorted view of relationships and struggle with trust issues. The absence of healthy familial relationships and a nurturing environment can also leave teenagers without the necessary emotional resources to cope with life's challenges. Consequently, they may resort to suicidal thoughts as a response to the overwhelming pain, despair, and feelings of disconnection.

Traumatic Life Events:

Traumatic life events can significantly increase the risk of teen suicide. Experiences such as physical or sexual abuse, witnessing violence, the loss of a loved one, a serious accident, or other forms of trauma can have long-lasting psychological and emotional effects on teenagers. Traumatic events can shatter a teenager's sense of safety, stability, and trust, leading to a range of mental health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. The emotional pain and distress associated with these events can become overwhelming, and the teenager may struggle to cope with the intense emotions and intrusive thoughts that arise. Without appropriate support, therapy, and coping mechanisms, some teenagers may perceive suicide as a way to escape the ongoing emotional suffering and find relief from the traumatic memories. It is crucial to provide trauma-informed care, early intervention, and mental health support to help teenagers process and heal from traumatic events, reducing the risk of suicide and promoting resilience.

IV. Societal Factors:

Inadequate Access to Mental Health Services:

Inadequate access to mental health services can be a significant contributing factor to teen suicide. Many teenagers who experience mental health challenges may not receive the necessary support and treatment due to various barriers, such as financial constraints, limited availability of mental health professionals, stigma, or lack of awareness. The absence of accessible and timely mental health services can leave vulnerable teens feeling isolated and helpless. Without proper intervention, their mental health may worsen, leading to increased risk of suicide.

Media Influence:

Media influence can have a complex relationship with teen suicide, as it can both contribute to risk factors and provide opportunities for prevention. On one hand, exposure to media portrayals of suicide, self-harm, or glamorised depictions of mental health issues can influence vulnerable teens and contribute to a contagion effect, where suicidal behaviour is imitated or perceived as a solution to an individual's own struggles. On the other hand, media can also serve as a platform for raising awareness, promoting mental health discussions, and providing resources for help.

How can we prevent death by suicide among teenagers and young adults?

It is essential to prioritise and invest in mental health services, improve accessibility, and promote awareness to ensure that teenagers have the support they need when facing mental health challenges. Providing early intervention, destigmatising mental health, and establishing comprehensive mental health care systems can play a crucial role in preventing teen suicide and promoting overall well-being. Building a positive support system which allows the individual to feel safer is another helpful way in which suicide could be prevented. Encouraging teenagers to talk to a trusted friend or elder about their struggles without being judged allows them to find better outlets to release their pent up emotions. Responsible media coverage can also help reduce stigma, increase access to support services, and educate both teens and adults about suicide prevention. It is crucial for media outlets to exercise caution, follow ethical guidelines, and collaborate with mental health professionals to ensure responsible representation and reporting, with the aim of preventing teen suicide.

If you are feeling suicidal or have suicidal thoughts, please call the following number. Help is available! Hours: Mon—Sat, 10 AM—8 PM. Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Kashmiri


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